After 105 years of its inception, the Bavarian carmaker has come up with an electric car that has a huge task ahead of
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The letter that represents the most powerful and sporty BMW cars has officially made its debut on a motorcycle that has
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With its 700+km range, the Mercedes-Benz EQS has set the bar high for next-generation luxury EVs. Audi, meanwhile, has
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Ferrari has confirmed that their first-ever high-riding vehicle is in the works. Set to arrive in 2022, this upcoming
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With styling inspired by Marc Lichte’s Audi Prologue concept, the brand new A7 will be unveiled in end 2017 while the
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Not only is the Urus Lamborghini’s first ever crossover, but it’s also the first vehicle from Sant’Agata to
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The seventh-generation of the 3 Series has its work cut out for it. The new Audi A4 and Mercedes-Benz C-Class have
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Almost a decade ago, the A4 took on a sportier avatar. Well, here’s a first look at the second generation – with
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There isn’t a market in the world where the sales of compact crossovers aren’t growing. And with a crossover based
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Encouraged by the success of the XC90, Volvo has stepped on the gas. Now, with the launch of its flagship sedan, the
8 years ago