Royal Enfield Himalayan Long Term Review, July 2024 Report

It’s almost always someone new who eagerly grabs the keys to the Himalayan the moment they become available. This month, that someone is me.

By Manav Sinha | on July 27, 2024 Follow us on Autox Google News

The Himalayan has sparked great interest among my colleagues in the office ever since it arrived. As you’ve probably noticed from our long-term reports, it’s almost always someone new who eagerly grabs the keys to the Himalayan the moment they become available. This month, that someone is me.

The opportunity presented itself during our brainstorming session for captivating stories, and one of the ideas was to find a bike capable of riding alongside the mighty Ducati DesertX. The Himalayan was an obvious choice for this task, as you may have read.

To me, the fact that the Himalayan is considered capable enough to ride alongside one of the world’s top adventure motorcycles – one that costs many times its price – is high praise in itself. I won’t delve into the specifics of our story, but I can tell you this: the Himalayan 450 has changed the trajectory of the segment for years to come by setting benchmarks that other bike manufacturers will find difficult not only to meet but also to compete with.

Let me be clear, I’m not suggesting that the Himmy can replace the Ducati in question – not at all! However, both my colleague Karan and I were genuinely surprised when we rode these bikes back-to-back and compared notes. The Himalayan can handle about 80% of what the DesertX can, considering our above-average off-road skills, of course.

It’s no wonder that the keys to the Himalayan are the most coveted in our office!

Also Read: Royal Enfield Himalayan Long Term Review, June 2024 Report
Also Read: Royal Enfield Himalayan Long Term Review, May 2024 Report


When it came: March 2024

Current odo reading: 5,903km

Mileage this month: 961km

Fuel efficiency: 28km/l

What’s good: Fantastic Off-Roader

What’s not: Heavy

Tags: Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Himalayan 450

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